a parasite:

someone or something that resembles a biological parasite in living off of, being dependent on, or exploiting another while giving little or nothing in return

the fact that landlords consider your tenancy an 'investment' means that by definition they are earning money on the property in which you reside. okay, that sounds obvious, but stick with it. your rent is more than the payments on the property value; the excess goes to the landlord's pocket. the landlord exploits the tenant to leech greater than the property value; the tenant gets nothing in return; the landlord is a parasite.

it's in the landlord's interest to try and take as much as they possibly can from the tenant. if they can raise their rental prices to the highest possible amount, while contributing as little as possible, and keeping their own costs as low as possible, then it is in their best interest to do so. they don't just want your rent to pay off their mortgage. they want to profit at the same time. the landlord is a parasite.

landlords will argue that they "maintain the property", when in reality they use the money that you pay them to outsource this work to plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. they middleman your own money and use that as justification for their parasitic existence. they take from you; they contribute nothing. the landlord does no labour. the landlord is a parasite.

landlord's discriminate against people in need of support in order to keep their costs down. certain types of tenant require more maintenance than others; namely children and the disabled. so, landlords create tenancy agreements that discriminate against people with kids (because kids break things) and the disabled (who might require extra support or installations that cost money) by creating tenancy agreements that either exclude these people entirely, or put threatening restrictions against them. the landlord discriminates against the most vulnerable members of society. the landlord is a parasite.

the landlord commodifies the right to shelter "in security, peace, and dignity" and uses threat and aggression to solidify their stranglehold on property. pay me, or i will send enforcers to evict you. give me money or i will make you homeless. the landlord positions themself in an authoritative position of power over a person and uses authority to extract their wealth instead of contribution to society. the landlord is a parasite.

the contracts that they draw up are heartlessly inconsiderate to the "security" aspect of the right to shelter, for if you--for reasons beyond your control--are rendered unable to pay: you will be evicted. taken out of work for medical reasons? evicted. sudden unexpected expense that drains your bank account? evicted. bankruptcy? evicted. because your misortune is a threat to the profit of the landlord they would see the property empty and you homeless. the landlord is a parasite.

rent preys on poverty in a backwards and oppressive fashion that posits the idea that a person who cannot afford £900 mortgage fees to own their own property and grow their own equity should instead pay £1200 rental fees to own nothing and be kept at the behest of a landlord's whims. instead of helping people out of poverty, landlords exist to keep people in poverty by exploiting the poor for their own gain. the landlord is a parasite.

the extraction of a landlords profit is not restricted to rent. the landlord can--and most likely will--find any additional way to extract a profit from your existence through additional charges. the most sinister of which is the "late fee". if you find yourself in financial misfortune and unable to pay rent on time, your poverty will only be further exacerbated by the additional late fee that your landlord piles on. the landlord is a parasite.

landlords take more than they need. they squat on landholdings that they never intend to use other than as exploitative tools to extract wealth from others. they rarely build the houses that they rent; they simply claim ownership of them; and would hold them empty rather than allow someone the shelter they need to survive without payment. the more land they swallow into their possession, the richer they can grow at the expense of you. the landlord is a parasite.

often they don't even buy the property themselves, but take out a loan against the property, then use your rent to purchase the property in their name. you buy the property for them, and they pocket the excess. you could pay your rent on time every month for years on end and own nothing at the end while they siphon both profit and property. the landlord is extortionist. the landlord is a parasite.

landlordism is an extension of imperialism. it is an extension of forced acquisition of land ownership through military force to create a paper chain of names on deeds that filter wealth upwards. can't pay, won't leave? you better be sure armed thugs are arriving at your door to turf you out of the landlord's property. the landlord is a parasite.

in taking from you as much as they can extract; in threatening you with homelessness to keep you subservient to discriminatory tenant agreements; in contributing nothing; the landlord still manages to brainwash themselves into thinking they are benevolent service providers who are contributing to society. the landlord is a leech. the landlord is a vampire. the landlord is a parasite.
